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Information on qualifying through the Solicitors Qualifying Exam, including preparation courses, study resources, QWE and more
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The latest news and updates on the actions being taken to improve diversity and inclusion in the legal profession
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Your first-year guide to a career in law – find out how to kickstart your legal career at this early stage
Your non-law guide to a career in law – everything you need to know about converting to law
The Supreme Court has ruled that the government acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally by introducing fees of up to £1,200 for those bringing claims to an employment tribunal.
The Paris Agreement: can we trade our way out of climate change?
Earlier this month I did something for the first time in three and a half years: I took a holiday and didn’t do any work at all! No main work, no side work, no writing, no nothing! Just a few days away, doing the things I wanted to do.
The Bar course is no joke – from the heavy (and I really do mean large) amount of work to the books weighing three kilograms each (yes, I weighed them), there’s little to no time for anything else.
What are the legal and commercial implications, and risks and rewards, of cloud computing?
What impact will the recent changes to the taxation of foreign domiciliaries have on the UK economy?
Early talent advisor Ami Disdale offers a window into Taylor Wessing’s vacation scheme and trainee recruitment process, as well as advice on what can let down a candidate’s application.
https://www.arcticshores.com/Taylor Wessing is launching a new apprenticeship scheme in September 2017, which incorporates a strong social mobility agenda.
How will technology change the legal sector?
An innovative legal ‘hackathon’ in which computer programmers will compete to find the best solutions to legal technology problems is set to boost efficiency at Hackney Law Centre – and could help law centres nationwide in the longer term.
What are Teckal companies and why are they attractive to local authorities, among others?
What can the recent High Court case involving clothing and similar 'criminal' trademarks tell us about protecting highly distinctive marks?
Checkout-free shopping may be convenient for the consumer, but are there any legal issues to be considered before Amazon Go lands in Britain?
In this article, I'll be examining some of the things future lawyers should look out for. Keeping up with these elements will up your legal game no matter what stage you're at and will, no doubt, get you wherever you want to go.
Is there anything you can't say online?
Nearly 33% of partners at firms with 50 or more lawyers are “actively considering an initial public offering” (IPO) within the next 18 months.
Nearly two thirds of junior lawyers (63%) surveyed by the Junior Lawyers Division (JLD) felt that LawTech was not having an impact on their day-to-day work and current job responsibilities. Almost half of respondents answered that they did not know what LawTech was before answering the survey.
In this LCN blog post I will introduce to you a novel AI architecture capable of accurately predicting the convictions and penalties of real-life criminal cases given only the facts.
It feels like we’ve been saying it a lot recently, but it really has been an unprecedented week in British history, with stories such as the fall of Thomas Cook (see below for more) almost immediately overshadowed by the Supreme Court’s ruling that Boris Johnson’s recent prorogation of Parliament is unlawful.