Top tips from
BPP University Law School
Vacation scheme applications
Training contract applications
Sign up to use MyLocker - it's a central applications hub that allows you to store key info (eg, GCSE and A-level results) and copy this information into most AllHires Graduate application formsHow to apply for a training contract
Here’s our four-step training contract application masterclass.Four areas of knowledge you need to get a training contract
These will help you to understand the profession and the job you hope to do, effectively research a law firm and identify your skills and strengths to demonstrate in applications.Five tips to help you secure a training contract
As daunting as this process may be, here are a few tricks that may help you stand out from the crowd.Does it matter when I submit my training contract application?
"Does it matter if I wait until the deadline to submit my training contract application?"Insights from those on the ground
How to write your applications
Worried about your interview?
A 26-step guide to training contract applications and interviews
LawCareers.Net’s 10 tips for training contract interviews
How to handle scenario-based questions at training contract interviews
LawCareers.Net’s guide to video interviews
What should I wear to an interview?
Five top tips for virtual interviews and assessment centres