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updated on 03 March 2025
Probably the Inn with the most accessible information, in 2025 the Inner Temple will have more than £2 million available in scholarships, the vast majority of this set aside for those on the Bar course. These vary in value (between £3,000 and £20,000) and will be awarded based on merit, with the amount awarded based on financial need. For those on the GDL, there are up to 30 scholarships available, of values up to £13,000. The Inn offers a small number of pupillage awards, as well as disability grants and internship awards. Visit the Inner Temple website for all the info you need. Applications are made online during set scholarship applications windows. Take care not to miss the deadlines – early November for Bar Course scholarships and early May for GDL scholarships – as applications aren’t accepted outside these windows. Queries not answered by information on the website should be directed to [email protected].