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Vacation schemes

updated on 19 February 2025

Find out which firms offer vacation schemes (also known as work placements) using our Training contract search and keep on top of approaching deadlines on our Vacation scheme deadlines page. Visit our Vacation Scheme Insiders section to get a sense of different firms’ vacation schemes and office cultures.

Gaining exposure to the day-to-day reality of working in a law firm is essential for making an informed decision about your career.

Vacation schemes (also known as work placements) are formal programmes designed by recruiters and partners to give you an idea of what a law firm is really like, while assessing your suitability for a training contract. It's an ideal opportunity to shine.

Wondering what recruiters really look for in candidates? Check out our Meet the Recruiter profiles.

What to expect on a vacation scheme

Vacation schemes are an incredibly competitive part of the recruitment process. Many law firms will offer you an automatic training contract interview during your placement. As well as work and interviews, there are always opportunities to network.

Most firms plan social events for placements from networking events to lunch out. It’s worth noting that recruiters will continuously be assessing your abilities, so make sure you’re polite, friendly and a team player.

Many vacation schemes will involve the opportunity to experience real work as part of one or more of the law firm’s teams. Involvement in day-to-day tasks may be supplemented with other activities, for example, a mock client pitch or presentation, or a project you have to work on throughout the placement. A trainee at Cooley (UK) LLP outlined some of the work and activities she got involved with during her vacation scheme at the firm, including a mock client interview and pitch! She explained that these tasks really pushed her out of her comfort zone and that the work was “a great insight into what trainee life would eventually look like”.

Learn more about firms’ vacation schemes from the very people who’ve experienced them in our Vacation Scheme Insiders and Meet the Lawyer sections.

Much like training contracts, vacation schemes are usually rotational, in that you’ll probably spend your one to two weeks in two to four different departments. During that time, you’re likely to be engaged in various tasks. One former vacation schemer at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP said: “The most challenging part of the scheme was balancing competing obligations. It’s crucial to stick to reasonable deadlines and be realistic about how much work you’re able to take on”.

However, all law firms will take a different approach when it comes to their training contracts. Attending a vacation scheme is a great way to grasp how a law firm operates. For example, a former vacation schemer at Jones Day shared that the scheme familiarised her with the firm’s non-rotational training contract system. She gained experience actively seeking work by “knocking on the doors of lawyers’ offices across all departments to get involved in live client work”.

Candidates will sit in four seats and:

  • review contracts;
  • conduct research;
  • attend training sessions;
  • sit-in on meetings; and
  • create first drafts of advice (in some cases).

When to apply

Summer is the main placement season, but many law firms also run schemes during the winter and spring. Firms that try to separate non-law students may organise a dedicated non-law scheme during the winter holiday. This ensures that all prospective trainees are on an equal playing field.

Read this article on winter vacation scheme deadlines and when to get your applications in. See this comprehensive list of vacation scheme deadlines and read LCN’s Vacation Scheme Insider interviews for insights into specific firms’ schemes.

The majority of application deadlines for summer and spring schemes tend to be between the end of January and the end of February, with many law firms also sharing a deadline at the end of March. It’s best to apply early because many law firms fill the places before the deadline or review applications in the order they’re received.

If you’re a non-law student, you’ll need to apply for most winter schemes by the end of October.

Check out our Non-law student hub, sponsored by BARBRI.

Find out which firms offer vacation schemes by using our Training contract search and check approaching deadlines on our Vacation scheme deadlines page.