Interested in a future career as a lawyer? Use The Beginner’s Guide to a Career in Law to get started
Find out about the various legal apprenticeships on offer and browse vacancies with The Law Apprenticeships Guide
Information on qualifying through the Solicitors Qualifying Exam, including preparation courses, study resources, QWE and more
Discover everything you need to know about developing your knowledge of the business world and its impact on the law
The latest news and updates on the actions being taken to improve diversity and inclusion in the legal profession
Discover advice to help you prepare for and ace your vacation scheme, training contract and pupillage applications
Your first-year guide to a career in law – find out how to kickstart your legal career at this early stage
Your non-law guide to a career in law – everything you need to know about converting to law
In this masterclass, sponsored by Burges Salmon LLP, CMS and RPC, we explore the exciting path to entering law as a legal apprentice. We discuss the different types of apprenticeships offered by law firms – including paralegal apprenticeships, solicitor apprenticeships and graduate solicitor apprenticeships. You’ll learn about the qualifications required, while gaining insights into the daily responsibilities of legal apprentices. We also cover the advantages and challenges of qualifying this way to help you make an informed decision about your next steps.
updated on 20 February 2025