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The Oracle

I wasn’t offered a training contract this summer – what now?

updated on 27 August 2024

Dear Oracle

This summer I applied to 30 law firms for training contracts and had two interviews, but wasn’t offered a training contract – what do I do now?

The Oracle replies

Reading time: three minutes

If you weren’t offered a training contract this summer and are still keen to pursue a career in law, it’s time to review your applications and interview technique. Job rejections are hard to bounce back from – we’ve all been there – but please don't be too disheartened. You’re not alone. In fact, the legal job market is more competitive than it’s ever been before and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of prospective trainee solicitors in the same position.

Number of applications

First, let's check that you're being as strategic as you need to be. Applying to 30 law firms is quite a lot, and it suggests that perhaps your applications weren’t as focused or specific as they needed to be to impress those recruiting you.

Consider whether you spent enough time thoroughly researching and tailoring each application. As a general rule, the candidates who apply to only a handful of firms tend to be the candidates who meet with success.

It’s important to focus your applications on the firms that offer the type of work, culture or ethos that you’re looking for in an employer. Making fewer, more tailored applications in your next application round is a good place to start.

Read this feature to see how you can demonstrate the key skills for law in applications


In terms of your interviews, have you thought carefully about your technique? Review the answers and evidence that you provided for each question and consider whether your responses were in line with what the firm was looking for in its future trainees. It’s also important that your answers are genuine – don’t try to be someone you’re not, firms want to see the real you and the way you answer questions is another useful way to demonstrate who you are as a person.

It might also be worth asking for feedback. Not all will oblige, but graduate recruitment teams are often more than willing to provide you with a full breakdown of your performance, which will no doubt be useful if you choose to reapply to the same firm the following year.

You can read LawCareers.Net’s advice for requesting application feedback in this Oracle.

Plus, for more help on preparing for applications and interviews, see this four-step training contract application masterclass and this 26-step guide to each stage of the process.

What next?

There are several facets that make an excellent application aside from flawless spelling and grammar.

Now is the best time to refocus – and perhaps redouble – your efforts. It's the season for law fairs and firm presentations, many of which will adopt a hybrid model. Applications are also open for many vacation schemes. Plus, see the LCN Events for upcoming masterclasses, open days and more.

Read this feature for a non-exhaustive list of law firm open days and insight schemes 2023/24

Make sure you attend law fairs and talk to lawyers and recruiters. Try to get an understanding of exactly what recruiters are looking for. You should also use LawCareers.Net’s valuable resources, including the Meet the Recruiter profiles in which we interview law firm recruiters to find out what they expect from candidates.

Reassess the work experience you have and any gaps in your skills. Use the time between now and the next application cycle to address any gaps you identify and implement the necessary improvements to your application. 

Read up on how to prepare for law firm insight days and presentations.

Should I reapply to law firms that have rejected my previous application?

Don't be afraid to reapply to the law firms that didn’t progress your applications. Candidates often wonder whether that's good practice – but not only is it acceptable, many firms also welcome reapplications. It shows commitment, perseverance and, hopefully, improvement. That said, make sure you have supplemented your CV with more experience and knowledge by the time you reapply. Don’t just submit the same application again – unsurprisingly, you’ll be met with the same outcome.

Targeting specific law firms

In addition to law firm research, you may find it useful to do a bit of self-reflection. Did 30 different firms all honestly make for a good fit with your personality and specific ambitions? When applying to firms, you must know what you want – if you’re drawn to the idea of working in employment law but apply to a firm that doesn’t do any work in this area, your application is going to look sloppy.

After understanding what you have to offer and what you want from your working environment and career, it’ll be much easier to identify the law firms that meet your requirements and preferences.

Researching law firms is such a crucial part of the process – read our tips to get you started and check out the four areas of knowledge you need to get a training contract.

To summarise, review the process, apply to fewer firms, act on any feedback you receive and be strategic in your approach.

Good luck!

Improve your application skills by reading this guide to writing the perfect cover letter, CV or application form.