Record-breaking turnout at 20th annual London Legal Walk

updated on 26 June 2024

Reading time: one minute

A record number of solicitors and legal colleagues took part in the 20th London Legal Walk, which took place on Tuesday 18 June. Around 18,000 people walked or ran one of the 10k routes, raising more than £900,000 to support frontline free legal advice agencies.

The walk is organised by the London Legal Support Trust to promote access to justice and bring the legal community together. The Lady Chief of Justice Baroness Carr and president of the Law Society, Nick Emmerson, were among the lead walkers this year. A range of law firms, businesses and charities took part, including LawCare, Accutrainee, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, Gateley Legal and more than 50 representatives from Law Business Research.

The Solicitors’ Charity, which sponsors the walk, provided ‘Smoothies for Solicitors’ at the end of the route. Walkers were invited to pedal the ‘smoothie bikes’ to power the blenders and make their smoothie.

The Solicitors’ Charity CEO Nick Gallagher said: “It was lovely to see so many people having a great time for a great cause! We look forward to participating again next year and spreading the word about the work we do and how it makes a positive difference to many solicitors in England and Wales.”

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