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updated on 24 February 2014
The most recent Queen’s Counsel (QC, also known as 'silk') appointments have been announced by the independent selection panel, as it confirms the strongest promotion round for three years.
In total, 225 barristers and solicitor-advocates applied for silk this year; 95 barristers and five solicitors were successful. Applicants are considered against criteria of five competencies. These include understanding and using the law; written and oral advocacy; working with others; diversity and integrity.
All five solicitors practise international arbitration at City firms, including Herbert Smith Freehills, Berwin Leighton Paisner and Allen & Overy. Des Hudson, chief executive of the Law Society, welcomed the news: "I continue to believe that solicitors have much to offer in these roles and, when appointed, add to the diversity of representation the Queen's Counsel requires. I would encourage more solicitors to consider applying in the next round of silk selections."
The criminal set 6 KBW gained the largest number of QCs with the appointments of Tony Badenoch, Jonathan Hall, Duncan Penny and Sarah Whitehouse. Several other sets welcomed the selection of three silks each. As The Lawyer reported, the number of successful female applicants rose from 14 to 18 this year. The new QCs will be formally appointed when they make their declaration before the lord chancellor at a ceremony on 14 April.