Panic not: the handbook’s back!

updated on 29 October 2013

Decked out in magnificent magenta, this year's edition of the Training Contract & Pupillage Handbook should be your guiding light as you search for the legal career that is right for you. Weighing in at 700 pages of useful information, this essential resource is the first place you should turn to for help.

Once again, we've talked to legal professionals to get a sense of the current landscape and have interviewed dozens of practitioners to give you a clear picture of their areas of expertise. "Insider reports" offer you first-hand accounts of what work placement schemes are like. And we've expanded sections, added details and checked facts – all in an effort to make sure you have every tasty morsel of relevant information right at your fingertips.

Copies will be handed out at university careers services and law faculties over the next few weeks. You can also find details of how to purchase the handbook online at

But that's not all: LC.N's Best in Law magazine has also just been published! Now in its 10th year, the mag is an essential read for those who really want to stand out from their peers. As well as nine in-depth profiles of the winning firms at the 2013 LC.N Training & Recruitment Awards, you'll find:

  • articles on the year in law and commerce;
  • features on application and interview technique;
  • articles on hot legal topics written by lawyers to boost your commercial awareness; and
  • the best letters to the Oracle.

Make a trip to your law faculty or careers service and see what all the fuss is about. And remember - the handbook is best used in tandem with the various facilities available on LawCareers.Net. So familiarise yourself with the Jobs page and training contract search engine, and sign up for MyLC.N, the site's neat function that allows you to manage your firm applications online.