Nabarro confirms 100% retention rate

updated on 10 January 2014

Nabarro has released its spring retention results and announced that all eight trainees will continue at the firm as newly-qualified (NQ) solicitors.

The news follows earlier reports in 2013 that trainee retention rates (among City firms) are improving. As Lawyer2B reports, eight NQs will work in Nabarro’s London office; the trainees will qualify into a number of teams including construction, corporate, funds and real estate. Previously the firm announced a 94% retention rate in Autumn 2013.

James Snape, graduate recruitment partner at the firm, commented: "We always try to retain as many of our trainees as possible and so we are delighted at being able to retain 100% this January, on top of our rate last September."

Remember that you can research the recruitment and retention rates of different firms over several years using the LC.N Insight tool.