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updated on 29 March 2023
Reading time: one minute
A new study has revealed that London is the top city for lawyers based on work/life balance and pay in 2023, closely followed by Oslo and Berlin.
The study was conducted by MoneyNerd, a company that teaches people to manage their finances and tackle debt.
It rated 25 cities on a variety of factors (to produce an overall score) including:
London was revealed to have more than 3,400 legal job opportunities available to current and aspiring lawyers, with an estimated average salary of £75,000.
Top-rated firms were also found to score highly on average salary and work/life balance, with second-place cities Oslo and Berlin rating highly in these categories.
New York ranked third, alongside Amsterdam, and offered the highest average salary at around £117,000 per annum. However, its cost-of-living score prevented it from making the top spot. In contrast, Amsterdam scored highly on work/life balance and happiness according to the study.
Read this LCN Says on ‘how to make the most of LinkedIn as a law student’ to help you make the most of London’s legal market.