Law Society launches “safe space” for conversations on ethical issues

updated on 02 October 2023

Reading time: one minute

Launched at the start of September, the Law Society’s new three-year professional ethics programme and web hub have been designed to offer a “safe space” to help members to balance commitments to clients and wider society.

The web hub provides access to useful resources, including guidance, case studies, event notifications and updates for the programme, Changing Ethical Landscapes.

As part of the programme, members can meet to discuss how they handle certain day-to-day challenges, reputation concerns and client selection.

President of the Law Society Lubna Shuja said: "This will create a safe space for solicitors to have challenging but necessary conversations about the implications for professional ethics on issues like client selection, workplace culture or the independence of in-house counsel.

“We hope this programme will help members navigate this evolving landscape, where potential tensions between the wider public interest and individual clients’ interests can create challenges for solicitors seeking to act ethically.”