Pro bono bodies get students to raise funds

updated on 14 October 2011

LawWorks and the Bar Pro Bono Unit have teamed up to launch a fundraising competition for law school students – the Law School Challenge 2012. Teams of up to five people must raise as much money as possible for the National Pro Bono Centre by 9 March 2012, using fun and imaginative ways.

The winning team's prize is a day of legal experiences, including an audience with a High Court judge, meeting a pupil and a barrister, lunch at one of the Inns of Court, a visit to a City law firm, and the chance to meet the team at the National Pro Bono Centre itself.

You have until Friday 28 October to register your team. For more details and the registration form, click here. Go on – it's for a great cause, you'll have fun doing it and, if you win, you'll benefit from a day of excellent exposure to the profession itself.