Bar Co hosts scheme for school students

updated on 13 July 2012

The Bar Council is this week hosting the Bar Placement Scheme in conjunction with the Social Mobility Foundation. It enables talented state school students to spend a week gaining experience of life at the Bar.

Now in its 6th year, this year's scheme sees 60 sets of chambers and 69 students taking part. All of the students would be the first people in their family to attend university and the majority are from minority ethnic backgrounds. All are predicted at leaser ABB at A level. Students will spend time in chambers and attending talks, workshops and a reception hosted by Michael Todd QC, chairman of the Bar and Taryn Lee QC, chair of the Bar Council’s Social Mobility Committee.

Todd said of the scheme: "[It] forms a vital part of the Bar Council's programme of activity to encourage talented students to aim for the Bar, regardless of their social and economic backgrounds and their connections in the legal profession. The students gain a taste of real life as a barrister and receive lessons in advocacy and negotiation."