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SQE success with the right mindset

updated on 29 August 2024

Reading time: eight minutes

This article has been produced in collaboration with BARBRI.

With the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), the path to becoming a lawyer has undergone a significant transformation. Candidates across the UK are adjusting to this new assessment format, which differs from traditional academic exams. In this article, Jody Tranter, senior director of learning at BARBRI, explores how adopting the right mindset can help you navigate this new exam and route to becoming a lawyer with confidence and clarity.

As those looking to practise law across the UK continue to adapt to the SQE, some may be feeling the pressure of these changes. The SQE is a departure from the familiar academic structure of university exams and it's only natural to feel concerned about the path ahead. However, by embracing the right mindset and approach, as well as making the most of the support available to you, you’ll be able to overcome any challenges effectively and achieve success.

Embracing opportunities in SQE preparation

Adapting to the SQE brings change and new opportunities for aspiring solicitors. One of the key advantages of the SQE is its emphasis on practical skills, which aligns closely with the real-world requirements of a solicitor’s role. This practical approach not only prepares you for the realities of legal practice, but also enhances your employability by demonstrating your readiness to tackle complex legal issues from day one.

Furthermore, the broad scope of the SQE encourages a well-rounded understanding of the law. This wider knowledge can be a significant asset in your legal career, enabling you to handle a diverse range of legal issues and adapt to various legal environments.

The shift in assessment style from academic exams to practical skills also provides a chance to refine your problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. Engaging with real-world scenarios and practical exercises not only prepares you for the SQE, but also enhances your overall competency as a solicitor. This practical focus is designed to make you more effective and adaptable in your future legal career.

Addressing some common concerns

The transition from academic study to the SQE represents a major shift and it's natural to feel overwhelmed by the different style of assessment, the broad scope of material and the emerging pass rates. While the financial investment can seem significant, careful planning and the right guidance and resources can make these challenges manageable.

Adapting your study methods

One of the biggest changes students face is the move from a theoretical focus to practical skills assessment. University exams typically emphasise the analysis of legal principles, while the SQE is designed to assess practical competence – the skills needed as a solicitor. So, instead of focusing purely on reading and memorising, you’ll also engage in problem-solving exercises, practical scenarios and mock assessments that simulate the kinds of tasks you’ll face in practice. This may feel different, especially if you're used to an academic approach to learning, but it’s intended to better equip you for the realities of legal practice.

Managing the scope of study

The SQE covers a broad range of legal areas compared to the segmented modules of university studies. However, this is an advantage in the long run – it ensures that you have a well-rounded foundation in all the areas of law that are essential for practising as a solicitor.

To manage this, it’s important to approach your studies systematically. Breaking down the material into manageable sections and regularly revisiting topics through spaced repetition will help make the material more digestible. If you choose to study with us, our AI-driven Intuitive Study Assistant and Coach helps create a bespoke Personal Study Plan (PSP) tailored to your progress and performance. Our students value our accessible teaching style, comprehensive support and practical study materials that help them pass the SQE exams – whether they're balancing work or new to law.

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Gathering study material

Unlike university, where reading lists and set texts are provided, preparing for the SQE requires a proactive approach to sourcing and organising study materials. Fortunately, course providers like BARBRI offer comprehensive study packages that include textbooks, online resources and practice questions, all aligned with the SQE’s requirements so you can be confident that you’re focusing on the right areas.

Understanding pass rates

Emerging pass rates for the SQE have been highlighted in the press recently but it's important to remember that lower pass rates are typical in the early stages of any new qualification – we certainly saw it with the Bar exam many years ago. BARBRI students have consistently outperformed the average pass rates in SQE1, with first-time sitters achieving an impressive 62.7% pass rate compared to the overall average of 57.5%. Notably, students who commit to their studies and complete 80% or more of their PSP see their pass rates rise even higher, reaching 73% when completing 90% or more. Our firm-sponsored students have also seen significant success, demonstrating the effectiveness of our tailored preparation and support.

Finding support

Preparing for the SQE can feel initially solitary compared to the support network available at university, but you don’t have to go it alone. There are a variety of courses and numerous resources available that are specifically designed to support you through the SQE process.

Connecting with fellow candidates through study groups, online forums and professional networks can also provide a valuable support system. These connections not only offer practical advice and encouragement, but also opportunities for collaborative learning and shared experiences.

BARBRI, for example, offers PSPs, tutor support and a range of online resources to help you stay on track. You’ll also find communities of fellow students who are in the same boat as you so, far from being isolated, you’ll have access to a wealth of support. We’ve helped thousands of students prepare for and pass similar exams in the United States and other jurisdictions. Our extensive experience with similar exams globally, including the US Bar exam and the Qualified Lawyer Transfer Scheme, informs our comprehensive SQE preparation course. As the SQE gains recognition, employers are increasingly prepared to support candidates through this rigorous qualification.

Managing financial investment

Financial investment is a significant topic of discussion and a key consideration in any personal development and qualification process. However, it’s crucial to recognise the value it offers and the potential return on investment for your career and future. Research shows that self-funded SQE students can save significantly (anywhere between 25% and 50%) on training costs under the SQE compared to the traditional Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and the Legal Practice Course route.

Find out more about the GDL and the new path for non-law students to qualify with BARBRI’s LCN Says.

There are also a variety of ways to manage these costs, with many course providers offering payment plans or financial aid, and some law firms that are willing to sponsor or reimburse candidates for their SQE preparation. It’s worth exploring these options and discussing them with your prospective employers. At BARBRI, we know how hard it can be to self-fund so we offer multiple scholarship options and more ways in which you can fund your SQE qualification journey which you can check out here.

Choosing the right SQE course

Selecting the right course provider is crucial to your success on the SQE. Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Comprehensive curriculum – a good course will assume no prior knowledge – ie, be equally suitable for law and non-law students, as well as be open to students from a variety of backgrounds (and factor in disabilities).
  • Exam-focused approach – the course should be specifically designed for the SQE, rather than recycling materials from other exams. It should offer focused, exam-specific preparation.
  • Personalisation and tracking – look for a course that offers a PSP, allowing you to track your progress and manage your time efficiently.
  • Experienced providers – make sure the course provider has experience with the SQE format.
  • All-inclusive materials – the course should offer all the materials you need without hidden costs or additional purchases.
  • Strong support system – tutor support is vital so choose a course that offers accessible, responsive tutors who can guide you through the preparation process.
  • Consider funding and employability support – some providers also offer additional support in areas like funding and employability.

In summary, while the transition to the SQE presents new challenges and change, it also offers far-reaching opportunities for growth and professional development. By approaching the SQE with the right mindset, leveraging available support and choosing the right course, you can achieve success and build a strong foundation for your career as a solicitor.

Your path to success

In this new era of legal qualification, a shift in mindset is not just beneficial – it's essential. BARBRI has helped law and non-law students alike prepare for the SQE with great success. Our materials and learning style are designed to build your confidence and ensure you’re ready to take on the exam, regardless of your background. If you’re ready to take the next step, consider enrolling in BARBRI’s SQE Prep course today or request a call-back to speak with one of our experts.

Jody Tranter, head of learning and product for BARBRI, has been instrumental in innovating and future-proofing training delivery in the legal and professional services sectors for over a decade, ensuring it’s fit for the digital age. 

BARBRI is a legal educator specialising in innovative technology to help law students and lawyers succeed in achieving their legal qualification. Their unique courses can prepare you for the SQE through to becoming a solicitor in England and Wales, as well as offering dual-qualification opportunities to become an attorney in New York or California. BARBRI has maintained the trust of legal students for over 50 years, helping more than 1.4 million law students and lawyers succeed in legal exams across the globe.