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Barrister finance

updated on 11 February 2025

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Becoming a barrister is expensive. Aspiring barristers should investigate funding options for each stage of the process.

Undergraduate degree

First, there are your undergraduate degree tuition fees to consider. Universities can charge fees of up to £9,250 per year, so you should check the cost of your degree with individual institutions. However, be aware that most universities charge the maximum tuition fee of £9,250 per year for full-time students. International students can expect to pay much more (as much as £38,000 per year, according to the British Council).

There are two types of student loan available for your undergraduate degree:

  • A student loan for fees (commonly called the ‘tuition fee loan’) covers the full amount of your fees – the full amount available being set at £9,250 for the academic year 2024/25.
  • A student loan for maintenance (usually called the ‘maintenance loan for living costs’) will depend on where you’re studying and whether you live independently or with family. For example, in the academic year 2024/25, the loan for living independently and studying in London is up to £13,348.

Most students use both types of loan, but the loans are repayable only after you’ve graduated. If you started your course after 1 August 2023, you’ll pay 9% on any earnings over the repayment threshold of £25,000 a year, £2,083 a month or £480 a week. If you earn less than that, you don’t repay the loan.

Some grants are also available from your university or indirectly through the normal loans application process (the money actually comes from your local education authority).

Visit the government’s student finance website for more details of how financial support is administered. You can also use the government’s student finance calculator to estimate your loan amounts and any extra funding for which you could be eligible.

Postgraduate courses

Law conversion/GDL fees

If you have a non-law degree, you have to study the Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) before embarking on the Bar course. For 2025/26, fees range up to £14,850 (for a full-time course in London) but the cost can be significantly less outside London and is dependent on the individual education providers. Added to these fees are your own living costs.

Bar course fees

The Bar courses all lead to the same destination – being ‘called to the Bar’ – but fees, formats and teaching styles differ among universities and law schools.

Again, courses in London tend to be more expensive, and of course you must still pay living expenses.

Read LawCareers.Net’s guide to the new Bar courses for more information.


Student Loans Company postgraduate funding

Postgraduate loans from the government are available only for master’s courses, not diplomas or professional certificates, meaning that postgraduate loans aren’t available for the standalone law conversion or Bar course.

However, many law schools and universities offer these postgraduate courses with a master’s qualification included. So, postgraduate loan funding is available if you choose a course with a master’s component.

Postgraduate loans go up to a maximum of £12,471, if your course started on or after August 2024. It’s up to the student to decide how they want to divide the loan between paying course fees and living costs.


Lendwise provides private postgraduate student loans with applications based on future earning potential, not just an individual’s credit score. To find out more about this loan and see whether you’re eligible go to the Lendwise website.

Graduate bank loans

Loans for postgraduate study are also available from many high-street banks. A graduate loan is a viable way to fund the PGDL, but you should exhaust all your other options first.

Contact your bank to find out what support it could provide. You’ll be required to provide proof that you can repay the loan within the required time. 

Inns of Court scholarships

For information about the scholarships available at each of the four Inns of Court, go to the Inns of Court Scholarships section. 

Between them, the four Inns of Court offer millions of pounds in awards every year. The umbrella term 'award' is used to describe all scholarships, bursaries and grants.

Each Inn is a separate entity and so the rules governing scholarships differ. Amounts vary and all are awarded on merit, although some Inns have awards for certain achievements. Most awards are given to students on the Bar course, but the Inns also have funds available for those on the PGDL.

It’s advisable to apply in the final year of your degree or the year before starting the law conversion or Bar course. The Inns’ websites have application forms that ask for character details, legal experience, income/funds and references. You can apply for scholarships at only one Inn. If the scholarships committee likes your application, it’ll invite you to an interview.

For a summary, read this guide to joining an Inn of Court

Contact the Inns direct for more information:


Some grant-making trusts and charities may offer financial assistance to those seeking to qualify as a barrister. You can find information about grants, loans and other funds from your local education authority awards officer.


As of January 2025, the minimum pupillage award increased to £22,019 a year outside London and £24,203 in London. Prestigious chambers may award pupils more than this.

The minimum pupillage pay level will also increase year on year in line with the recommendations of the Living Wage Foundation.

Reality check

It’s important to be aware that around two-thirds of Bar course students and graduates never go on to secure a pupillage, so the path to becoming a barrister is a highly expensive one with no guarantee of a career at the end of it. Reflect on whether you have the skills and CV to beat the odds before you enrol on the Bar course.